Thursday, November 19, 2009


I'm not really great at resting. Things have to literally STOP for me to rest. That's why my best rest comes during vacation time - spring break, winter break, summer break. All well and good...normally.

Except that the past two summers have been mostly full of school. (I love school! But it's not resting.) And this August, when I got back, I dove into wedding planning. (I love planning my wedding! But it's also not resting.)

Sometimes, God needs to whack me on the head to get me to stop. Sometimes, I won't stop until He REALLY whacks me on the head - or the whole body, if need be.

So, He did that.

Came home after a relatively normal day at work Monday, sat on the couch, and developed a 101 degree fever in a few hours. I haven't had a fever since I had my appendix out - which, last I remembered, required a trip to the hospital. Apparently, this was serious.

Went to the doctor on Tuesday, and he told me I had a sinus infection. No big - I get them every year, usually 2 or 3 times. But this doctor said, "Don't go back to work until Monday."


"But I have concerts...But I have this string teacher in-service thing...But I'm meeting with some other teachers to do thus-and-so...but I have to work out...but...but...but..."


Time for me to relax, chill, watch television, movies, and whatever. Time to get pampered by my oh-so-amazing fiancee, who has cooked for me, ran errands, cleaned up, washed dishes, done laundry, and in general stayed by my side so that I didn't have to do anything.

And I am sick. I'm really sick. Sickest I've been in a long time.

But I needed this rest. So I am okay with missing four days of work. Even though I have NEVER missed that much work in a row.

I needed this.


thanks, God.