Thursday, June 26, 2008

The truths

Holli was totally right - what was I thinking? Whenever you share lies, you MUST share the truths to go with them. So here they are:

-I am not a jazz musician.
TRUTH: While I may not be as adept at the jazz genre at this time, that does not mean that jazz is closed to me. I can learn about jazz and become a jazz musician.

-Jazz musicians are born, not made. (i.e. you can't "become" a jazz musician.)
TRUTH: Yes you can become a jazz musician! It just takes practice - the same way I became a classical musician, or a good teacher, or learning to tie my shoes. :)

-It is easiest and best to keep going with how you've done things before.
TRUTH: While this may SEEM easiest, it actually stunts your growth as a person. It is better to change, adapt, and try new things so that you grow as a person. Example - if I had continued with the direction I was going in during college, I would be living in NorCal, spiritually stunted. Instead, I am here in SoCal (sort of), with friends and loved ones who challenge me to keep growing, and I have a vibrant relationship with God! Glory! :)

Thanks Holli - good point. :)

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