Thursday, September 17, 2009

I just have to brag

Okay, so I'm not even sure that anyone reads this anymore, but hey, I can shout out stuff into cyberspace, right? That's my perogative as a blogger. :)

So, this morning, I had a little freak out about the wedding planning stuff. Nothing major - just feeling like I'm not getting my stuff done. We haven't settled on a photographer yet, and yeah, it is the big thing for this month. And we have to do guest lists and invitations and all this stuff...

Anyway, I snapped at my fiance, who was coming over later today. I didn't mean to, but yeah.

After apologizing, I then asked him to do a couple of errands for me. Random stuff - dry cleaning, picking up some random stuff at Home Depot for me, library...blah blah blah. Kevin agreed to do all of these things.

But then during the day, I got some random text messages. They said things like, "I finished the errands. Do you want me to vacuum?" "I cleaned the windows and vacuumed. Anything else you need me to do?"

I got home to a clean, beautiful house, where dinner was waiting for me by candlelight in the dining room. We had a full meal of yummy chicken, rice, broccoli, rolls, and dessert. Then, after dinner, he washed the dishes too!

I don't exactly know how to take all of this - except to be very very grateful.

Thanks, my love.


Adam said...

Seriously. Will Parris. Problem solved.

ShesThatOneGirl said...

i read. duh. :)