Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yes, we did... about country music today. In class. I know, you're totally jealous, right?

I gotta admit, I like the older stuff. Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette (sp?), Johnny Cash. But man, the stuff out now...not a fan. Give me Sufjan Stevens any day.

In other news - finished another assignment for my curriculum class, which is great. Still working on the psych paper. But I did finish the OTHER curriculum paper, which is due tomorrow. Phew! That felt good. The psych paper is taking longer than I would like - but probably about as long as the research paper did last summer.

Only a week and a half left! I can't believe it. I am sad - California is not as pretty as Michigan. But I'll be back, and I'll get to see all my friends. So that will be nice. :)

Okay, working now...maybe...

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