Monday, September 1, 2008

School's Starting!

So, this is my fourth year of teaching. And for the first time, I am actually excited about starting to teach.

Is that weird? Does it concern you that I was teaching the past three years while NOT wanting to be there? Are you worried that I corrupted America's youth.

Well, I probably did corrupt them.


It is simply how teaching works. We don't have a nice apprenticeship program. Student teaching is a joke - you're not really the teacher, and the students know that. It's stupid, really. Your real experience starts when you have your own class, and then it's panic mode. For a while.

But now, 4 years in, I'm excited! I'm ready to try new things that I learned while in Michigan, I'm ready to see all those adorable students again. Of course, it probably helps that some of the more annoying ones (aka the 8th graders) are gone. Now this year's class of 8th graders has a chance to get really annoying! Yay!

Anyway, I'm sure I'll keep posting about all my adventures. Maybe I'll share stories about cockroaches, or crying students, or really awesome gifts I get or something. Sound fun? Maybe? Who knows.

Here we go - 4th year!!!


Becks Blog said...

let's jsut try to match our shoes, shall we? :)

Ang said...

So how did it go?

Hope your first week was great.

Miss you!