Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Liz does not equal smooth

I am not smooth. I have never CLAIMED to be smooth. What do you mean, you ask? Well.

I'm the girl who runs into tables and knocks things over. I'm the girl who spills stuff on her shirt. I'm the girl who, when trying to be "smooth" around a guy who had just dumped her, managed to spill coffee all over someone ELSE. Yeah. I know. Impressive, huh?

Why bring this up, you ask?

Well, today a new chapter in the smoothness of Liz came into being.

Today, I went to class with two different shoes on.

Granted, the shoes do look remarkably similar:



But the best part is that I had a presentation today, so I dressed extra carefully with a new shirt, earrings, the whole works. I did my presentation (for an hour and a half) with my friend Angela, walking around, la dee da. Then I took a break, and looked down, and gasp! Two different shoes. Seriously. It's a little sad. Gotta be honest. Although I am very grateful I did not do that at school - I would never hear the end of it from my students. I got teased enough after I ran into a tree branch last year and ended up with a big scab on my forehead.

On the plus side, I got a 52 out of 50 on my theory midterm. I sang songs in German AND Latin today. Does that make me smooth?

No? Just nerdy.

I can live with that.

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